
The Perfect Space

Since I will be getting married in 127 days I have been thinking continuously about how I want to re-decorate our house! 

We don't have room in our house right now, but when we get a little more room I want to have a craft room! I have been trying to talk Jake into letting me have his music room in our current house, but he is not going to give in. 

If I could have the craft room of my choice it would look something like this:

image from here 
So cute, right?

image from here

or this. . .

image from here

and I for sure would not mind this. . .

image from here

this cute desk from Ikea would be great for storage!

I guess for now I will just have to dream! And who knows maybe I can talk Jake into letting me set up in the guest bedroom closet. . .
 image from here
I think that it would be cute!

1 comment:

  1. I did a post on craft rooms. Mat says no way for me-- he has to have an office first.
    So...if we have a bedroom, Mat's office, my craft room, and a room for each of our "kids", we'd have to have EIGHT rooms. EIGHT. Crazy, right??
