
Catching Up

Yes, I know it has been six months since I last blogged.
So, to catch up on all that has happened I will just hit some highlights!

This year it was great to be a Roll Tide Fan!
Jake and I attend all the home games (of course we miss a few for weddings and such). I love football season in the South.There is nothing better than a stadium dog and a Coke while watching a little football. Especially when you end up being National Champs!

And a BIG plus is we sometimes run into friends!

The only good thing about football season being over is that it means it’s time for the holidays! Christmas is (according to Jake and I) the best time of the year! We also look forward to Christmas, and usually start celebrating a little early. Our Christmas tree is always the first thing to go up.

It makes it truly feel like Christmas!
We also enjoyed spending time with our families!
Santa was very good to us this year; we got everything we wanted and more. For our “Big gift” from Jake’s parents this year they took us to Gatlinburg for four days. We had so much fun, I forgot to take pictures.
One of my gifts from Jake this year was a surprise! All he told me was I would need an overnight bag! The day before we were to go on our surprise, he told me what was going on. . . He was taking me to the Dave Barnes Christmas Concert! I was so excited! The concert was so enjoyable and the decorations were beautiful!

There was of course Dave.

Then Matt Wertz showed up.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get better…in walked Ben Rector.

All-in-all we had a great end to 2011!

Not much has been going on the first of this year.  I promise to do my best in keeping everyone up-to-date on a more regular basis from now on!

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